Whether you are undergoing a big procedure or small, you can optimize your results and minimize your risk of complications by adhering to a few simple guidelines.
It is important to take some of your medications up to the time of surgery, while others should be avoided. Please see the following list of medications to discontinue 10 days prior to surgery:
Alcohol Aleve Alka Seltzer (Effervescent Tablet) Alka Seltzer (Cold Medicine Tablet) Anacin Tablets and Caplets (Maximum Strength) Arthralgen tablets Arthritis Strength Bufferin Tabs Arthropan Liquid Arthrotec ASA Tablets Enseals Ascriptin with Codeine Ascriptin Tablets Ascriptin AD Tablets Ascriptin Extra Strength Aspirbuf Tablets Aspergum Aspirin Axotal Tablets Bayer Aspirin Tablets Bayer Children’s Aspirin Tablets Bayer Children’s Cold Tablets Bayer Timed-Release Aspirin Tablets BC Tablet and Powder Birth Control Pills Buff-A Comp #3 Tablets with Codeine Buffaprin Tablets Bufferin Tablets Bufferin Arthritis Strength Tablets Bufferin extra-Strength Tablets Bufferin with Codeine #3 Tablets Buffets II Tablets Buf-Tabs Cama Arthritis Pain Reliever Celebrex Congesprin Chewable tablets Cope tablets Cosprin tablets Coumadin CP-2 Tablets Darvon with ASA Pulvules |
Darvon Compound Pulvules
Darvon Compound 65 Darvon N with ASA Dasin Capsules Daypro Dinol Tablets Disalcid Capsules Doan’s Pills Duoprin’s Syrup Duoprin Caps Duradyne tablets Durasal Tablets Dynosal Tablets Easprin Ecotrin Tablets Efficin Tablets Emagrin Tablets Empirin Tablets Empirin with Codeine Tablets Equagesic Tablets Estradiol Estrogen-containing Meds Excedrin Tablets and Caps Fenoprofen Fiorinal Tablets Fiorinal with Codeine Four-Way Cold Tablets Fish Oil Gaysal-S Tablets Gemisin Tablets Goody’s Headache Powder Hormone Replacement Therapy Ibuprofen Indomethacin Indocin Indo-Lemmon Capsules Lanorinal Tablets Magan Tablets Magsal Tablets Marnal Caps Maximum Bayer Aspirin Measurin Tablets Meclomen Meclofenamate Medipren Mefenamic Acid Midol Caplets Methocarbamol with Aspirin Tablets Micrainin Tablets Mobidin Tablets Mobigesic Tablets |
Momentum Muscular Backache
Formula Tablets Motrin Nalfon Naprosyn Naproxen Neocylate Tablets Norgesic & Norgesic Forte Tablets Nuprin Oral Contraceptives Orudis OS-Cal Gesic Tablets Pablate Pablate-SF Tablets Pepto Bismol Tablets and Suspension Percodan & Percodan-ASA Demi Tablet Persistin Tablets Plavix Propoxyphene Compound 65 Piroxicam (Feldene) Robaxisal Tablets Rufen S-A-C Tablets St. Joseph Aspirin for Children St. Joseph Cold Tablets for Children Sine-off Sinus Medicine Tablets SK-65 Compound Caps Stanback Tablets and Powder Supac Caps Synalgos Caps Synalgos-DC Capsules Talwin Compound Tablets Tamoxifen Trendar Tolectin Triaminicin Tablets Trigsesic Trilisate Tablets & Liquid Ultram Uracel Vanquish Verin Vitamin E Supplement Voltaren Zorprin Tablet |
herbal supplements
Herbal supplements are relatively unstudied and unregulated products. Their effects on the body and on wound healing during the perioperative period are unpredictable. Please refrain from using herbal supplements from one week before to one week after surgery. All of the following are considered herbal supplements, and should be avoided before and after surgery:
Astragalus (Huang-Qi)
Carnitine Chromium Citrimax (Garcinia) Creatine Echinacea Ephedra Garlic (supplements) Ginger (supplements) Ginkgo biloba Ginseng |
Gotu Kola
Grapefruit Juice (supplements) Guarana Kava L-Proline Lemongrass (supplements) Red Wine (supplements) St. John’s Wort Taurine Valeria |
*** Avoid Soba Beverages, Fantasia Fruit Drinks, and other beverages
that may contain any of the above substances.
smoking and nicotine
Study after study has proven that smoking and all nicotine products (e-cigarette, nicotine patch and gum, smokeless tobacco, etc) within the month before or after surgery increase the risk of wound complications, infections, and failure of plastic surgery. Even just a couple cigarettes during this sensitive time period will negatively affect the surgical outcome.
Please do everything possible to abstain from all nicotine products during this time period. Please contact our office for assistance, if needed.
Please do everything possible to abstain from all nicotine products during this time period. Please contact our office for assistance, if needed.
eating and drinking
Do not eat or drink anything after midnight on the night prior to surgery. Doing so will likely lead to delay or even cancellation of your surgery. You may brush your teeth. You may take necessary medications with a small sip of water.
Please shower daily with normal shampoo and soap each day for several days prior to surgery. Implant-based surgery patients and selective other patients will be instructed to take chlorhexadine (Hibiclens) showers each day for 5 days prior to surgery. Do not shave the area of surgery on the day of surgery.
make-up and piercings
Please do not apply makeup or heavy skin creams on the day of surgery, as they may interfere with monitoring equipment and skin prep.
Jewelry and piercings generally have metal components. These components can cause serious burns in the operating room when electrical instruments are used. Please remove all jewelry and piercings prior to coming to the hospital.
Jewelry and piercings generally have metal components. These components can cause serious burns in the operating room when electrical instruments are used. Please remove all jewelry and piercings prior to coming to the hospital.
what to bring to the hospital
The hospital is never a fun place to stay, but you can improve your comfort by remembering to bring a few things:
Loose fitting, comfortable clothing
Compression garment (if instructed by your surgeon)
Favorite pillow (if you like)
Tablet/Laptop computer
Cell phone
Facemask and CPAP settings (if you have obstructive sleep apnea)
Compression garment (if instructed by your surgeon)
Favorite pillow (if you like)
Tablet/Laptop computer
Cell phone
Facemask and CPAP settings (if you have obstructive sleep apnea)